Welcome to New Builders Dispatch.

If you believe in changing the narrative of success in America — making it broader, to include women and people of color, please support of our work. We report on and advocate for the founders and innovators who are making a difference in their communities. We focus on telling the stories of underrepresented founders, and we’re broadening to cover the new innovation buzz in the second-tier cities.

We have a track record of moving billions of dollars in federal funding with our journalism – and a track record, equally important, of helping individuals share their stories of transformation. Changing the world often starts with change within the mind and heart of a leader. We create the space for those stories and conversations.

We think all of these kinds of impact are important. Read on to find out more.


Your contribution is appreciated.

No Gray Goo Here

Gray Goo is what some people are calling the flood of poor-quality content generated by AI. We’re the opposite of that. Journalists find the signal in the noise and amplify it to move people, change policy and hold communities accountable. The web site has four sections, Trailblazers, which are profiles of successful entrepreneurs; Innovation, which includes stories about market trends or challenges; VC Spotlight, which are short stories about that small venture firms reshaping the world of finance in a more equitable direction, and New Builders, who are the next generation of small business owners.

In the next few weeks, we’ll probably start an op-ed section and an opportunities section. We are looking for organizations that want to sponsor any of these.

As journalists, we bring professional discipline to the practice of reporting and the craft of storytelling. That means we interview people, we fact-check (thought we’re not perfect) and we aim for a multi-dimensional truth. We publish stories that we think are important, even if the stories or the facts within them make people uncomfortable.

The Story of Times of E

New Builders Dispatch is the rebranded Times of Entrepreneurship. Elizabeth MacBride founded Times of E after a long career as a freelancer working for outlets including MIT Tech Review, Forbes, CNBC, Atlantic.com, The Washington Post and many others. Some of our supporters include the Kauffman Foundation, the Walton Family Foundation, Abigail E. Disney and the MIT’s Legatum Center for Economic Development and Entrepreneurship.

Times of E launched on Feb. 12, 2020 with a small team of top women business journalists — people Elizabeth knew – and we found ourselves in the midst of a global pandemic. Our peers in other media were occupied covering health care; so we focused on what was happening to small businesses. Our reporting helped alert the U.S. Senate of the problems in the early versions of the U.S. aid package, the PPP. That is the clearest example we know of about the importance of trustworthy journalism: $250B worth of impact. Recently, we have covered innovations in health, trailblazers who are proving that impact-oriented companies can grow big, and the surge in small business formation. As well as cybersecurity and data science.

After our long careers in journalism, we have networks that extend to The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, CNBC, Forbes and SSIR. Part of what we do is inform other media and people outside the entrepreneurship community of the importance of founders, small businesses and innovation. Subscribe to our free newsletter here.