White papers and other content/thought leadership in areas aligned with entrepreneurship and economic development

  • The research informs a select group of clients. Our trained researchers and reporters offer the most up-to-date information in a highly readable format that acknowledges complexity and takes different perspectives into account. Our unique package also offers clients to present the research publicly via thought leadership and op-ed pieces.
  • 2,000-5,000-word long form narrative about an issue or event (examples: entrepreneurship in Ethiopia; higher education institution’s activity in Opportunity Zones; Expansions on the ride share model worldwide; savings platforms in the gig economy)
  • Thought leadership pieces published and labeled as sponsored content on Times of Entrepreneurship

Examples of our Work

Impact Profile (5,000-word white paper researched and written for the Lumina Foundation, working with the Beeck Center for Social Impact and Innovation at Georgetown University)

Untapped Assets: Stillman College And The Landscape Of HBCUs

UVA Wise and Entrepreneurship in Appalachian Virginia